Monday, October 4, 2010

Feels good to get some answers

We got the answers we were looking for!  Dr. Fearon called us and we spoke for over an hour on the diagnosis, the procedure, risks, expectations, etc.  He is a very soft-spoken, gentle-sounding man, with a vast knowledge about the until-now "underground" world of craniosynostosis.  He immediately put us at ease.  "No, it's not cosmetic surgery," he said.  "It's reconstructive surgery."  
See, we had previously been told that it was "necessary cosmetic surgery."  When you attach the words "cosmetic surgery" to a procedure for infants, it takes the seriousness out of the situation and makes it seem elective.  We were told leaving it alone wouldn't affect his brain, wouldn't put him at risk for headaches,  behavioral issues, or even teasing about his abnormal head shape.  However, trusting in our parental instincts, we just didn't believe that was all true.
In speaking with Dr. Fearon, he assured us that we were doing the right thing.  What was also nice to hear, was that he offered to write a letter of referral to any doctor we wanted to see.  He said we could go anywhere we wanted to; no hard feelings.  We felt so much better after speaking with him.  We knew that we would do anything we could to get to Dallas.

As we researched trigonocephaly further and other possible methods of treatment,  we stumbled across a forum called  It's a place where parents from all over the globe, from the US, to Scotland, to Australia, all give each other advice, support, and a friendly conversational atmosphere.  As it turns out, we came in contact with a mother in Virginia who has a son, one month younger than the boys, and he has the same condition.  We began a virtual friendship, and it was nice to chat with someone who was going through the exact same thing at the exact same time.  She too, was trying to get an appointment with Dr. Fearon in Dallas.  We ended up having so much in common that now we have a very special bond.


  1. Missy & Joe, my heart goes out to your precious little boy. He is in our prayers.

  2. Good Luck today! you guys are in my thoughts and prayers! Let me know if you need any help with the benefit!
